
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

heart of the giver

Christmas is my favorite time of year.  The warmth of the spirit of giving draws people closer together, and the remembrances of Christ's gift for us prepares and strengthens us for the year ahead.

As I searched my exhaustive concordance for verses which had to do with "giving" or "bestowing"  I was blown away... I noticed that most of the verses (and there are close to 1,000 of them!) refer to what God has given us!  He has given us infinite grace, mercy, love, and blessings abundantly-- all of which we, frankly, do not deserve at all.  How amazing...  What an unspeakably wonderful God we serve!!!! (2 Corinthians 9:15)

Anyway, in light of that, when you realize how much you've been given, doesn't it make you want to be a more giving person yourself?  Not that we really have anything worthwhile to give, but when we give what we do have, it is our way of showing the Lord how much we appreciate what He gave us.  If we can see this, and are truly grateful, giving our all to the Lord is not a burden, it's a delight!  It's the least we can do!  (Luke 7:47, Matthew 10:8b)

Something interesting that Jesus points out in Matthew 25:31-40 (please take a moment and read it for yourself) is that "giving to the Lord" often involves giving of yourself to "the least of these"... the poor, the disabled, those in need, etc... those who will never be able to pay you back, or perhaps not even be able to thank you (Ephesians 6:6-8). It involves serving where no one will ever notice you, or even care.  Someone has to take the low positions and the thankless jobs, such as endless loads of dirty dishes or laundry (both of which are awaiting my attention right now as I'm writing)!  And guess what?  If you do them with a cheerful heart, I believe they can be the most rewarding!

Giving, even in its smallest forms, is a sacrifice; but just remember that every little thing you do for others to the glory of God you will be rewarded for one day in Heaven!  Christmas is a wonderful time to practice this, but its also important to keep it up throughout the rest of the year as well.

2 Corinthians 9:7
"So let each one give as He purposes in His heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver."

Luke 6:30
"Give to everyone who asks of you.  And from him who takes away your goods, do not ask them back."

Proverbs  22:9
"He who has a generous eye will be blessed, for He gives of his bread to the poor."

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